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To Whom It May Concern | 2025 | Video art – Video performance | Duration: 00:01:12

This experimental Video Performance delves into the intangible spaces of pain, empathy, and vulnerability. Through the act of shaving—an intimate gesture of transformation—and the fragmented confessions of an audio letter, it gestures toward the struggle to articulate the inexpressible, particularly within the constructs of masculinity.

Shaving becomes a ritual of erasure and exposure, while the letter hovers between longing and rejection, embodying a quiet, unspoken cry for connection.

The work invites the viewer to navigate the blurred boundaries of identity and emotion, contemplating the silent gravity of shared human fragility.

Performance: Thodoris Dimitrakopoulos

Videography: Odysseus Kaloyeratos

Music: Idamay

Special thanks to Deej Fabyc for the invaluable advice and equipment support, as well as to Live Art Ireland for providing the workspace

Lesser Human | Diploma Exhibition Show
A collaborative Thesis/Exhibition Show with Dimitra Tzalavreta. 
February 2024 | Department of Visual and Applied Arts, School of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


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Left: Damaged goods | 2023 | Video art - Video performance | Duration: 00:01:10 | Performer: Stilianos Dokouz
Right: Re-entrance | 2023 | Video Projection on doormat | Dimensions: 30x60 | Duration: 00:03:16

[Thesis Preparation]

Co-Artist: Dimitra Tzalavreta

Concept: Social Stigma

Stigma (noun)


• Ancient Greece: A brand burned into a slave or a criminal's skin to symbolise disgrace.    

• Middle Ages: literally: brand or tattoo.   

• […]

Damaged goods (noun)
/ˌdæmɪdʒd ˈɡʊdz/
1 products that are broken, cracked, scratched, etc.
2 informal : a person who is considered to be no longer desirable or valuable because of something that has happened : a person whose reputation is damaged.
Re-entrance (noun)
the act of returning to a place, organization, or area of activity that you have left.

Dualistic thinking seems to be a common propensity of the human mind which tends to place things into categories and opposites, making it easier to distinguish and simplify the differences in things that life presents. Stephenson's term "operant subjectivity" introduces a method of studying something scientifically and objectively, but from a first-person perspective rather than a third, dissociating it from mentality, mind, and consciousness. In an artistic application of the above study, an AI-selected image was used as a reference for discussion with five eyewitnesses of war conflicts, leading to the creation of this artwork.

Operant Subjectivity | 2022 | Installation | Mixed technique | Variable dimensions | Exhibition: Farmleigh Gallery, Phoenix Park, Dublin

Did something change? | 2022 | Video art – Video performance | Duration: 00:01:45 | Performer: Vladislav Simonov

Researching the racial discrimination that is produced through the media on the topic of refuges and immigration calling the viewers to reconsider their point of view.

Human Iridescences | 2022 | Augmented Reality (AR) on Etching Print | Mixed technique | Variable dimensions

An experimental project collaborating traditional media, etching, with Extended Reality (Augmented Reality). The iridescence of humans’ subjectivities projected on their own bodies. A polydimensional presentation of the artist’s subjective interpretation and point of view through new media. Offering the viewer, the ability to explore a traditional media through the lance of their cell phone.

Evolution? | 2021 | Installation with video projection | Mixed technique| Variable dimensions *

The concept of visual subjectivity for the information reading game intertwines with The Allegory of Plato's cave, giving rise to reflections. The relationship between the emanation of the artificial from the natural and vice versa is examined, with new technologies bridging the dipole as well as the viewer's perception of the concept of evolution.

*No animals were harmed in the making of this artwork. All bird wings were procured from the morgue of the veterinary school

Selected Work: Selected Work

Epiphany | 2021 | Installation with Arduino & servo motor | Mixed technique | Variable dimensions

The concept of subjectivity as a produced effect resulting from artistically controversial media casts doubt on the flow of aesthetic analysis. The automated mechanical movement mimics the complexity of nature's operation. The technology handles visual media with light being its building material and stationery.

Our Guernica| 2021 | Acrylic on wall| 293x530cm | Rectorship of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | participation in a group project

This project was created during the student mobilizations against police violence within the University. It aims to re-design the University public space as an artistic seal-response to the overt violent intervention of the forces of repression.

"Our Gernica from the beginning was a post-production of the well-known theme (violence of power). But Gernicas don't always look like Gernicas. He teaches us in our schools, besides, to produce speech, art and ideas that do not remain bound to established standards. Our work did not end here“

Coordinating Artist Occupation, Thessaloniki 2021

Imagined communities| 2021 | Mixed technique | 50x40cm | Reference: Jasper Johns

"The nation constitutes an" imaginary political community-and imagined as inherently limited and dominant. [ ... ] The nation is imagined as limited because, even the largest of them, comprising perhaps billions of people, have limits, albeit elastic, borders, beyond which other nations lie. It is imagined as sovereign because the concept was born in an era in which Enlightenment and Revolution were destroying the legitimacy of the divinely ordered, hierarchical dynastic Kingdom. [ ... ] It is imagined as a community because, regardless of the actual inequality and exploitation that may dominate each of them, the nation is always perceived as a deep, horizontal camaraderie.»

Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the origins and spread of nationalism (1983)

Left: untitled | 2021 | engraving | linoleum printing | 7x14cm
Bottom: * when you hear nation, human flesh smells / 2021 | engraving | linoleum printing | 12x6cm
Right: Herbarium | 2021 | engraving | linoleum printing / 21x21cm

* "Jump
Faster than wear.

When you hear "order“

Human meat smells.

When calamity is advantageous Call her a whore.

Where no nightingale sounds, a molotov cocktail sounds.”

Odysseas Elytis (1978)

The replacement of the word "class "with" nation " is a comment on the human sacrifices made on the altar of the establishment of national identity. The faces presented are Odysseas Elytis, creator of the poem, and Gianna Angelopoulou Daskalaki, president of the committee "Greece 2021", event manager for the 200 years since the Greek Revolution

This is not another gentrification project | 2020 | Installation| Mixed technique | 186x44x68cm

The present installation was exhibited as part of the Display Project, during the three-month outdoor exhibition Forest Within, on the streets of the city. One of the main objectives of the Display Project is "the permanent change of the image of the area in the collective subconscious of the place. Treating the space on the facades of the shops as a single whole, the project participants collaborate/co-create with renowned professionals of the city and add a new landmark to the local community, by creating a permanent visual experience/installation in the semi-public space.”


The project highlights the concept of urban gentrification. Through QR presents other gentrification projects and stimulates reflection on the issue. The aim is to analyze the project by those involved with economic and socio-political criteria. The creator hopes his work will be as untimely as possible.

La beauté est dans la rue | 2020 | Installation | Mixed technique | 104x40x5cm

The famous slogan of May ' 68, on the poster of the Atelier Populaire, remains a positioning timeless and universal. Beauty is on the street.

The historical reference examines comparatively two different periods by looking for ratio relationships and motivational sources of action.

Break the glass | 2020 | Installation | Mixed technique | 100x38x10cm

Discomfort as a result of an information bottleneck of undesirable events and perceptions. It is urged to escape from this treaty employing the well-known techniques of extrication or concerns are created regarding the concept of "violence";

Grandpa, will you die for the economy? | 2020 | Digital collage | 5400x3600pixel

The propaganda of the picture.

The technique of Subvertising. The emotional targeting of the viewer.

The awakening of fear and instincts. The relationship of art and propaganda.

Tormented by Demons| 2020 | Mixed technique on newspaper| 59,4x42cm | Reference: Martin Schongauer

The photographic lens of the photojournalist Marios Lolos captures a scene of police violence as if born from compositions resembling medieval depictions of

the demonic spirits of Goya or Schongauer. The protester imagines like Schongauer's St. Anthony. A series of contrasts emanate from photography and seek resolution.


The study is composed in a totality of various visual media, with the gaze of the protagonist being the focus and source of conceptual relationships.

Top: 2020 | collage & mixed technique / 28x19cm
Bottom left: 2020 | collage & mixed technique / 28x19cm Bottom right: 2020 | collage & mixed technique / 21x29cm

A point of view of anachronistic orientalism in artistic ventures.

Dualidad | 2019 | Video art | Duration: 00:02:08 | Co-artist: Chris-Steven Liaros

Dual identities and social structures should not-even if they exist - be an obstacle to expression. The subject may ignore them, "crumple" them, and when coexisting with them not act as a brake of expression. During an effort to disengage from the

individuality that characterizes modern society which is associated with the creation and emergence of personal identities, we seek to create visual content from the silhouette shadows, a process through which the person-identity of the performer is "hidden", emphasizing the kinesiological expression.

Left: Study | 2019 | oil on canvas | 185x135cm
Center: Study | 2017 | oil on canvas | 185x155cm | 185x135cm | 185x135cm
Right: Study | 2019 | oil on canvas | 185x155cm

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