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Diploma Exhibition Show

This thesis is a collaborative work of Tzalavreta Dimitra and Idamay. It is a visual illustration of the search for the functioning mechanisms of individuals and societies. The interest is focused on understanding and deepening questions about punitive, power, and penal strategies in capitalist realism.

The subject is essentially a case study through which viewers are invited to dialogue. To this end, “unseen” aspects of this social issue are presented, where interviews, discussions, and research act as references. The visual media was chosen to better serve the birth of reflection and discussion.

The thought structure and reflections of the two artists are complemented and enriched by works and texts such as those of Michel Foucault, Franz Kafka, Mark Fisher, etc. Utilising the theoretical tools of modernism and the freedom of postmodernism, the audience is invited to a discussion on issues that touch at the same time individual and collective attitudes.

LESSER HUMAN - Diploma Exhibition Tour
Dimitra Tzalavreta

LESSER HUMAN - Diploma Exhibition Tour



Re-entrance (noun)

the act of returning to a place, organization, or area of activity that you have left. 
Video Projection on doormat - misplacement | Dimensions: 30x60 | Duration: 00:03:16


Stigma (noun)


  • Ancient Greece: A brand burned into a slave or a criminal's skin to symbolize disgrace.

  • Middle Ages: literally: brand or tattoo.

  • […]

Video Projection on stained wall & text | Dimensions: 100x170 | Duration: 00:01:03

DSC05537 (B&W).png


Damaged goods (noun)

/ˌdæmɪdʒd ˌˈɡʊdz/

1 products that are broken, cracked, scratched, etc.

2 informal : a person who is considered to be no longer desirable or valuable because of something that has happened : a person whose reputation is damaged.

All the photos are AI product.

Still image Projection on crumbled paper | Dimensions: 100x200


Inappropriate content

/ˌɪn.əˈprəʊ.pri.ət ˌkənˈten/

Unsuitable content. Inappropriate content may be an image, video or written words that can be upsetting, disturbing or offensive.

Video | Duration: 00:00:56



Indefinite expiration date

/ɪnˈdef.ɪ.nət ˌek·spəˈreɪ·ʃən ˌdeɪt/

1 lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time

2 not knowing the last day on which a product or service can be used

Text on wall | Dimensions: 40x300


If the Jews did not exist, we would invent them

Installation | Dimensions: 55x65x10


Animals (noun)


a living thing that can move, eat and react to the world through its senses, esp. of sight and hearing.

Video | Duration: 00:06:47




All the parts of the interviews are recorded narrations by performers.

Installation with audio performance| Dimensions: 110x110x210 | Duration: 00:07:56

00:00 / 07:56



Art Process Documentation - Installation | Variable Dimensions

Exhibition Teaser Video 


Exhibition Booklet

Friday 02/02/24 | 10.00-16.00

St. Kazatzidi 68, 57001 | Thomas Building
School of Fine Arts | Pylaia | Thessaloniki 

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